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Our on-line Time Clock System rates are based upon a base rate and the number of active employees. The base rate of $29.95 per month includes the first ten (10) employees, and the per-employee rate after ten (10) is $0.25 (twenty-five cents) per month. An active employee is any employee that has any activity during a billing cycle. The per-employee charge doesn’t start until 2nd month, so getting started only cost $29.95 for the 1st month. Of course, appropriate sales tax has to be added to the stated rates. Prices are subject to change.

Base Rate* $29.95
Per Employee Rate** 0.25

* Base rate includes the first 10 employees.
** No Per-Employee the 1st month.

Email support is included at no additional charge. If you have a question, contact us through our Contact Form and we’ll respond via email within 24 hours — much sooner if possible. Phone support is $15 for each 10 minute or fractional block. On-site support is available, too. Just drop us a note, and we’ll call with details and make arrangements.